Thursday, August 26, 2010

First full day in Maui

We came here to see the Pan-Pac Swim Meet...haven't even found the pool yet.  However, we DID find a huge volcano on this island - Haleakala.  It stands 10,000+ feet tall and takes a loooong time to reach its summit.  We left the hotel at about 5:30 and started the drive.  A climb and a descent of 10,000 feet, and a looooong detour (unintended), and a half tank of gas later, we were back at the hotel.  Josh told us how he did in his 200 fly and that he made the A final tonight.  We feel awful.  Okay, we're over it.  Here are some nice pictures from the morning.  We'll post again tonight with results from the pool...if we find it.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice -- looks like u were the only people there?

    RL & LA
